Fourth Annual Greek Adoptee Reunion to be Held in Las Vegas, Nevada June 19-21, 2025

Greek adoptees will gather in Las Vegas, Nevada for the Fourth Annual Greek Adoptee Reunion June 19-21, 2025. After the three previous amazing reunions in Nashville, Tennessee, Athens, Greece, and Lousiville, KY, the Eftychia Project heads west of the Mississippi for the first time. And what more exciting event venue could there be west of the Mississippi than fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada?

The format for the Third Annual Greek Adoptee Reunion worked so well that we will continue with the same format -- no conference, no speakers, just a few organized group activities, and plenty of time for adoptees to get to know each other, have fun together and make bonds that will last a lifetime. 

The Reunion will begin with a Welcome Party on Thursday evening (food, cash bar, Greek music & dancing), organized group activity on Friday and Saturday morning (or evening, depending upon activity) and conclude on Saturday night with a farewell dinner with an exciting dinner program and a drawing for Greek-themed door prizes. Afternoons can either be used as free time to explore more of what Vegas has to offer or join us in the boardroom for live help with search/reunion and interpreting adoption documents, as well as discussion/advice about DNA, genealogy, Greek citizenship and other Greek adoption issues. 

So mark your calendars now and make plans to attend --- complete details, including itinerary, hotel accomodations and cost will be coming in the next few weeks! We can't wait to see you there! Viva Las Vegas! Viva Fourth Annual Greek Adoptee Reunion! Viva The Eftychia Project!