14 Greek adoptees from 9 states joined numerous others from the Greek communuty in South Bend this weekend for the Eftychia Project's presentation "Greece's Guilty Secret: The Forgotten Children of Greece and Their Search for Roots, Reunion and Identity". The event was held at St. Andrew Greek Orthodox Church and sponsored by Philoptochos of South Bend.
Eftychia speaks during presentation - photo by the Eftychia Project
The presentation, by our own Eftychia, included the testimonies of 4 other adoptees - Teresa Scharf, Anna Sardis, Merrill Jenkins and Dimitrios Christo - speaking about their own searches/reunions and the formidable obstacles of government and bureaucracy, as well as the fight for Greek adoptee birth and identity rights, including restoration of Greek citizenship. The other 10 adoptees in attendance were available for questions and to speak with attendees after the presentation.
Some of the 14 adoptees in attendance: front row l-r Merrill Jenkins, Anna Sardis: back row, l-r George Leventis, Linda Jean Covert, Eftychia (Linda Carol Trotter, Dimitrios Christo, Despina Kartson, Teresa Scharf, Penny Kappas Chandler
And we adoptees had time for fun and bonding, staying at the same hotel and having dinner on Friday and Saturday together, as well as breakfast together each morning.
Adoptees who arrived on Friday afternoon gather for dinner at a local South Bend Italian eatery - photo by Linda Carol Trotter
A tremendous thank-you to Tina Assimos and the ladies of Philoptochos of South Bend for inviting us and for their warm hospitality. And to all who attended, thank you for your interest and support.
***If you are interested in having The Eftychia Project present to your church, group or organization, please contact us via email at theeftychiaproject@gmail.com***